bookmark_borderOpinion: As you cheer on America’s soccer stars in the Women’s World Cup, ask yourself this question | CNN

Are men really better at sports than women are? The answer is more complicated than you think, argues sports sociologist Robyn Ryle, and in some cases, the answer is: absolutely not. As the US Women’s National Team prepares to defend their Women’s World Cup title, it’s an important moment to take note of progress and identify priorities for the future for women and girls in sports.

Quelle: Opinion: As you cheer on America’s soccer stars in the Women’s World Cup, ask yourself this question | CNN

bookmark_borderVorschläge des Bürgerrats: Der Weg zu einer gerechteren Bildung

Der bundesweite Bürgerrat Bildung und Lernen hat eine Reihe von Empfehlungen vorgestellt, wie mehr Chancengleichheit im Bildungssystem zu erreichen ist. Die zentrale Formel des Gremiums lautet: früher, besser und länger gemeinsam lernen. Von Oda Tischewski.

Quelle: Vorschläge des Bürgerrats: Der Weg zu einer gerechteren Bildung

bookmark_borderQuantum Physics in a Leaf? Scientists Discover Link Between Photosynthesis and the “Fifth State of Matter”

UChicago researchers hope „islands“ of exciton condensation could pave the way for new discoveries. Inside a lab, scientists marvel at a strange state that forms when they cool down atoms to nearly absolute zero. Meanwhile, just outside their window, trees are absorbing sunlight and converting it

Quelle: Quantum Physics in a Leaf? Scientists Discover Link Between Photosynthesis and the “Fifth State of Matter”